


My name is Vicky Duwé and I am the artist for Maui Resin Arts. I have been creating resin art for the past three years and I am very much in love with it. My art reflects who I am as a person and I couldn’t be more proud. As someone who is more or less introverted, it has been a struggle to really express myself through any other outlet. Once I found resin art, I let my soul do what it was aching for, CREATE!

As a mother to three daughters, we did a lot of crafting. We used beads ( so many beads), paints, feathers, yarn, macaroni.. anything that could be glued was glued, everything had paint and/or glitter on it. I taught my girls to do what they love and to be who they want to be and art in our house wasn’t about coloring inside of the lines.

I have always loved working with my hands, building and decorating things. I love that I get to work with wood and other sustainable materials to create my custom shapes for tables and large hanging pieces. When starting my projects, I rarely have a design in my head, i choose the colors and start my pours. This allows me to get creative and form one of a kind designs. With A LOT of trial and error and the support of my family and friends I have taken the leap to create my own business, Maui Resin Arts.

Thank you for reading about me!

